Funding Your Care

Provision of care in England can be arranged privately, or through the NHS or local authority social services. Any decision as to whose responsibility it is to provide care can have significant financial consequences for you.

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The average cost of living in a residential home in England is approximately £28,000 per year and in a nursing home, over £38,000 per year. So, in addition to often being the better choice for emotional well-being – remaining in your own home can also be the better financial choice.

It is therefore important to receive the correct advice and guidance about your care funding options.

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Common questions asked are:

Am I entitled to any state benefits to help pay for my care? The answer may be Yes - you could be eligible for Attendance Allowance or Personal Independence Payment, even if you have savings.

Attendance Allowance for age 65 and over

If you are over the age of 65, and have needed assistance with care (e.g. through family, friends or a care provider) for more than the last six months, you may be entitled to Attendance Allowance. You do not disclose your financial circumstances when claiming this benefit as it is non-means tested.If you need care support during the day and at night, the benefit, if awarded, may be at the higher rate of £79.15 per weekIf you need care support during the day or during the night (but not both), the benefit if awarded is £53.00 per week.(Note: above rates are as at January 2014).Flexicare at Home can assist you to apply for Attendance Allowance – this will be discussed with you at your care assessment.Alternatively, you can apply direct through

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for adults under age 65

If you are an adult under the age of 65, you might be entitled to claim PIP to help pay for care support costs caused by long-term ill-health or a disability.The benefit, if awarded, ranges from £21 to £134.49 a week, depending on how your condition affects you. Flexicare at Home can assist you to apply for a PIP assessment. Alternatively, you can learn more about applying for an assessment direct through

NHS continuing health care

If you are eligible, the NHS can fund part or all of your healthcare and local authorities can fund part or all of your social and personal care.To be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, you must be assessed as having a "primary health need" and have a complex medical condition and substantial ongoing care needs. The assessment does not take into account your financial situation. For the latest information please refer to the NHS website . We can pass this information to you on request.If you are not eligible for full NHS continuing healthcare, your local authority social services may be able to help with funding all or part of your care costs. How much they pay depends on your care needs, income and the amount of your savings. In other words they are means-tested.If required, we can assist you in applying for any of the above. Please discuss with your Care Manager at any time.

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How can I pay for care when I have no savings?

You can contact your local social services department and ask for a care assessment. It is always a good idea to assess your own care needs, or have someone to do this for you, before they arrive.

The local social services will conduct their own care assessment, taking into account your self-assessment. If they find that your care needs meet the Local Authority’s eligibility criteria, they will carry out a financial assessment to establish how much, if anything, you should contribute towards the cost of a care service. The Local Authority have a legal duty to pay, all or part, of the cost of the care you require if your savings are below £23,250.

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I am not happy with the carers provided by Social Services. Can I have my care provided by an independent care provider?

Yes. You may be given payments, known as Direct Payments, into a special bank account from which you pay for the care support you require from a care provider of choice. Simply contact your local social services department and they will explain the full process to you. Your Care manager will also help you, if requested.

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Will I have to use my savings to pay for my care?

If you have savings of less than £23,250 the Local Authority would normally pay all or part of your care costs, depending on your care and financial assessment.

Normally, if you have savings of more than £23,250 you will have to pay your own care costs until your savings go below this amount. However, it’s still worth going ahead and contacting the local authority for a needs assessment, regardless of your financial situation.

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What will happen when my savings have gone?

As soon as your savings near £23,250 you should contact your local social services department and ask for a review of your care needs and a new financial review.

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Will I have to sell my home to pay for my care?

However, if you move into a residential or nursing home, your own home would normally be included as a financial asset unless it is also occupied by your partner, a relative who is over 60 or incapacitated; or a dependent child under 16.

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